
Welcome to my blog :3 My friends from pico, instagram (ect.) call me Steffy. But on xat I'm called Tikal. I role play as Tikal The Echidna because she's kind hearted, the first to discover chaos and she's really cute. I think she fits my personality really well x3
There's normal mode,
Chao mode,
Dark mode,
And Chaos, aka [super mode]

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Funny story..

Okay, so on xat this guy PCs me and tries to fight me. (role play) So I punched him in the face and he grabbed me, my arms caught fire and burned him so he let go. I kicked him with full horse power and he fell to the ground. (You can guess where I kicked him.) I told him "You picked the wrong girl to mess with" and smirked. He tried to grab my leg and pull me on the ground but I kicked him in the face..
Wait did I say this was funny?
Well it kind of is..
See, he's a guy.. I'm a girl and he thought I couldn't beat him, but I did.

Neo and Tikal kissing x3

I drew this. :3 Just, awww. Perfect couple. :3 <3

Tikal Animation

That's cute.. omg :3

New icon

That's my new xat icon x3

True Story:

When I went to bed last night I felt like I was being watched... I layed down and I saw some one on top of me. I said "Who-who are you?" he smirked and said "Hmph, you should know, Stefanie". I looked him in the eyes, "N-Neo...?" I would say, he smirked again and kissed me on the forehead and said "Sleep well beautiful, we will meet again someday, until then.. keep me in there" as he put his hand on my chest. He disappeared in thin air and my eyes shut slowly and I drifted off into a long deep sleep. I dreamed of beautiful meadows with beautiful flowers and saw Neo across the field. I could feel myself smile, I knew we would meet again, very soon.

Friday, April 5, 2013